The Pines Christian Care Center
How it all started:
In 2000, David and Sally Seefried, a couple from Longmont, Colorado, traveled to South Africa to see how to best minister to the people living there. Africa was heavily affected by the AIDS Pandemic, and David and Sally desired to bring light into the darkness. They eventually set their hearts on Welkom, South Africa, as Welkom was one of the most AIDS-affected cities.

A beautiful sunset over The Pines.
Welkom, South Africa was known for mining due to its high amounts of gold, and so gold mining facilities started to grow. For Africans struggling with employment, this seemed like a great opportunity, so men would travel from the surrounding areas, oftentimes far from their homes to work in gold mines. As they were away, some would contract AIDS from promiscuity, and bring it back to their families - thus being a key cause in spreading the disease in the area. This consequence led to fathers and mothers passing away, leaving children with nowhere to go. This unraveling of events led to what is now known as "the lost generation" of Africa.

A cemetery located in one of the townships.
David and Sally started planning to bring a children's home to Welkom. After much prayer and preparation, God provided a perfect place for their children's home. In 2005, Harmony Gold, a very active Gold Mining company, donated a 15 acre property to be used by David and Sally. The property included multiple buildings, which were formally office buildings, as well as lots of pine trees, which are uncommon to the area. David and Sally started their work - using friends and family to renovate the previously abandoned buildings into apartments for the children to live in. Once the renovations were complete, they decided to name the children's home "The Pines Christian Care Center".

Our main building before it was transformed into what it is today!
Since the beginning of The Pines, God has richly and faithfully blessed the ministry. From only a handful of kids to now having almost 40 children - it has grown immensely.
In 2008, David Seefried went home to be with the Lord. Sally remained at The Pines, continuing to minister to the children there until moving back to the States in April of 2023.

Sally at her farewell ceremony in April of 2023.
Not only does The Pines Christian Care Center provide a home for children and teens who otherwise wouldn't have a safe place to live, but it provides hope. This hope comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and The Pines aims to raise the children to know their Creator. While many of the children have experienced darkness at such a young age... Christ brings light into darkness (2 Cor. 4:6).
The Pines Christian Care Center is managed by Welkom Baptist Church. The children attend services every Sunday morning, and enjoy Sunday evening services in Sesotho at The Pines. All the children except for the babies attend the WBC Wednesday Night Service (called D-Groups) and the teens participate in the Friday night Youth Group. Through this, they all hear the gospel every week, and are surrounded by a local body of believers.

Some of our young boys!
The Pines Christian Care Center also desires to not neglect the culture of the children. All of the children speak Sesotho, an indigenous language from Lesotho, a country within South Africa. The Pines employs South African housemothers along with one couple who function as the caregivers to each child. Each flat (apartment) on the property houses between 5-7 children. The houseparents cook for them, get them ready for school, and also speak their first language, Sesotho.

Two of our Mamas!
All the children of The Pines attend school, whether it be pre-school, primary school or high school. In each school they are taught in English, and some also learn Afrikaans - making it three languages they have to juggle. To provide further assistance, The Pines has a designated homework-room where they can work on reading skills, use a computer if needed, and have access to tutors who help them with their schoolwork. Kari Teachout, one of the missionaries currently on staff at the Pines, is an experienced teacher and educator, and is a great asset in the homework room.

Sister and brother about to get on the bus to head to school!
The Pines, as previously mentioned, is on a 15-acre plot of land, which has been put to good use. There is currently a vegetable garden, multiple fruit trees, beehives, an area for goats and other livestock, a playground, a soccer field, and more. Randy Teachout, the husband of Kari Teachout and missionary on staff at The Pines is in charge of managing the property, which is no small task. The property, once empty and abandoned... is now teeming with life and beauty.

The Pines property!
All in all, The Pines Christian Care Centre aims to provide the children with stability and hope.
We can't do what we do without our faithful supporters of the ministry. Since the beginning, The Pines has been shown generosity, both locally and around the world. We are so grateful that we get to make an impact on this next generation - no longer a "lost" generation, but, through the hope of Jesus Christ, a "found" one.
"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed."
Psalm 82:3

One of our little ones on a bike. Bicycles are put to good use at The Pines!

Want to connect with us?
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 627
Longmont, CO 80502